CircleCI integration and configuration file setup.
Setting up continuous integration with Travis.
Data-driven algorithms play a large role in decision making across a variety of industries. Increasingly, these algorithms are being used to make decisions that have significant ramifications for people’s social and economic well-being, e.g. in sentencing, loan approval, and policing. Amid the proliferation of such systems there is a growing concern about their potential discriminatory impact. In particular, machine learning systems which are trained on biased data have the potential to learn and perpetuate those biases. A central challenge for practitioners is thus to determine whether their models display discriminatory bias. Here we present a case study in which we frame the issue of bias detection as a causal inference problem with observational data. We enumerate two main causes of bias, sampling bias and label bias, and we investigate the abilities of six different fairness metrics to detect each bias type. Based on these investigations, we propose a set of best practice guidelines to select the fairness metric that is most likely to detect bias if it is present. Additionally, we aim to identify the conditions in which certain fairness metrics may fail to detect bias and instead give practitioners a false belief that their biased model is making fair decisions.
Linting software for python.
Open source licensing comparison report.
Even today’s most advanced machine learning models are easily fooled by almost imperceptible perturbations of their inputs. Foolbox is a new Python package to generate such adversarial perturbations and to quantify and compare the robustness of machine learning models. It is build around the idea that the most comparable robustness measure is the minimum perturbation needed to craft an adversarial example. To this end, Foolbox provides reference implementations of most published adversarial attack methods alongside some new ones, all of which perform internal hyper-parameter tuning to find the minimum adversarial perturbation. Additionally, Foolbox interfaces with most popular deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch, Keras, TensorFlow, Theano and MXNet and allows different adversarial criteria such as targeted misclassification and top-k misclassification as well as different distance measures. The code is licensed under the MIT license and is openly available at this https URL. The most up-to-date documentation can be found at this http URL.